There must be no denominations in Islam.

Because it is against Allah and his book, the Koran, when Muslims describe themselves as belonging to this or that denomination. The Qur'an is a holy source full of Allah's advice to humanity. Our Lord, who knows very well that the slogan "Divide and rule" is used by the enemies of mankind, warned Muslims in the following verses in his last counselor book:

Hold fast to the bonds of Allah and do not part! And remember Allah's gifts / favor to you when you were enemies and He then brought your hearts together, whereupon you became brothers through His gift / favor. When you stood on the edge of a fiery abyss and he saved you. So that you can find the way, Allah makes His signs / proofs clear to you, to which you will be guided right. (3, āl-'imrān / 103)

How is this verse so quickly forgotten? How and with what do those who call themselves Muslims practice their Islam? With five non-compulsory prayers? With Hajj, which is not mandatory for everyone? By learning and applying the Quran? Or by practicing one of our specialist sects?

The verse warns with a very clear expression: "Together" and "firmly" and "protect yourself with the rope of Allah". What is wrong with the fact that Muslims ascribe themselves as Sunnis, Shiites, Shafi and Hanefi? Is it God saying you belong to one of them? Allah does not give such advice to divide and rule Muslims. In the previous verse (Imran 102), Allah addressed the people who believed they were going to enter under Allah's protection and learn how to be protected. The address here is "Believers". And there is a subtlety here, because believing in Allah is the number one priority. The motto we call Tawheed, which means "LA ILAHE ILL'ALLAH / There is no god or gods to worship, only Allah" makes everyone a believer. And with the statement “Believers are brothers” Allah emphasized the importance of this unity and solidarity.

While Allah arranged for people to gather under the title "Believers", Muslims divided themselves up in ways that were difficult to understand and even fought among themselves. O Muslims! Do we understand what Allah said? If we read the rest of the verse, we will understand this. Before becoming Muslims, the people of Medina were enemies of one another and stood "on the edge of a fireplace". Thanks to Islam mediated by Allah, that is, Muhammad as, they came together and were saved from falling into this fire. In other words, religion and belief protected the people of Medina from the fire and saved them by holding them together. In addition, they spread over very large areas, adding northern Africa, Spain, Anatolia, Iran, Khorasan and India to their sphere of influence.

They took the advice of IQRA so seriously that they did a great service for science and art by translating the books of the then famous philosophers into Arabic. This contribution is so profound that it became the basis of the European renaissance.

These sectarian imams, like you and us, tried to understand the Quran and made comments. However, they had a problem that is also a big problem for today's imams: hadiths. And they had another problem that seems to be a problem today: Mushaf Qur'an. It is not over yet: And the deviation in meaning attributed to the words carefully chosen by Allah. Their biggest problem was that they believed in hadiths that were incompatible with the Quran. So they could judge for themselves. They could declare the products that Allah was allowed to consume as "Haram". The most obvious of these is seafood. Even today, some authorities are able to declare seafood haram, and strangely enough, they rely on mahzep imams, not the Koran, to do so.

So what? Is religion the religion of the Imams or the religion of Allah? If you say the religion of the imams, read and practice their books. In this case, however, you do not have the luxury of calling yourself "Muslim". They can be at most a Hanafi, a Maliki, a Shafi and a Hanbali. You can also become a Shiite or Sunni by dividing yourself into sects of faith. As if that weren't enough, it means that when you have fought, killed, and died among yourself, you have prepared your place in hell. In the eyes of Allah, "murdering / killing a life" is one of the main sins that is not forgiven. Since this war is not jihad, it would be foolish to hope for help and think that he will go to heaven a martyr.

When asked which sect Mohammed came from, no one can answer "he belonged to this or that sect". There is also no answer to the question of which sect Allah recommends. Here some people who think they are Sunnis may say that the Quran advises us to be Sunnis. In the Koran, Allah recommends his Sunnah, that is, Sunnatullah. It means reading and understanding an instruction manual that contains all mathematically calculable laws of this world and the universe. The verse that best explains this is al-ankabūt 20. Here Allah wants all people on earth to be scattered and see what His creation is like. In other words, it is a recommendation in the sense of gathering information about myself by doing science and looking at my work.

All citizens of the world who do this will act in accordance with the Sunnatullah. Darwin did so and did not apply the Sunni ascription to himself. While many scientists around the world practice Sunnatullah and do not call themselves Sunni, it is of no value in the eyes of Allah for someone who does nothing and can even harm humanity to call themselves Sunni.

The period in which these sect women lived is between the 8th and 9th centuries. For example, Abu Hanefi was born in the year 700. In other words, it is 68 years after the death of Muhammad as. These venerable ones have endeavored to contribute to Islam and the religion of Allah. The judgments they give are not an alternative to Allah's Quran. Let's continue with an example:

House meat is referred to as "haram" by all four imams. Wild donkey meat is "halal";

According to Hanefi and Shafi, sea turtles are "Haram"; According to Maliki and Hanbel it is "halal !?"

According to Hanefi, oysters and lobsters are "haram" and according to the other three imams "halal."

Although Allah has said in the Qur'an what is “Halal” and what is “Haram”, why are these provisions different from each other?

If you want, let's start with the verses of Allah, let's see what and how He forbade it:

Surat al-baqara, 168: “O people! Eat halal and (tay-yiban) clean, pleasant and useful things on earth and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. Surely he is an open enemy for you. "

Surat al-baqara, verse 172: "O you who believe! If you only serve Him, eat the pleasant, pure and useful things that We have provided for you, and reward Allah for the blessings He has given you Has."

Let's count those who we think can be beautiful, clean, and useful but are forbidden to us:

Surat al-baqara, verse 173: "He has forbidden you only carcasses, blood, pork ..."

Let's see what word Allah used in verse 172. The word that we try to describe as "pleasant, clean, and useful" is "tayyibat". This word does not refer to food that can be washed and cleaned with soap and water. It means useful, nutritious, and healthy. The forbidden are listed in sura al-baqara in verse 173. These prohibitions are "haram". As it is expressed with the word "haram", its consumption is strictly forbidden and should be placed in the class of harmful things.

I wrote these verses to show how the fatwa is enacted in religion.

cadaver: Carcasses include all types of dead animals;

Blood: All kinds of foods made from blood and with blood from all kinds of animals. The word we translate animal blood is simply "blood". In other words, it is also haram to eat and drink human blood;

Pork meat: Here we come to the choice of words suitable for fatwa. "lahm'al-hınzıri" is written in the Koran: Lahm = meat and Hınzır = pig. Since it is a noun phrase, there is an "i" at the end of the phrase. If you now ask an imam, "Hodja, is pig haram?" The answer you will get will be "yes". However, something is missing from your question. They did not ask: "Is pork meat haram?" Had Allah said "The pig is Haram/forbidden, everything of the pig would be haram. His skin and bones would also be haram. It would be haram to wear leather products called "pork velor." sold.

In this case, what fatwa should we give for the pork bone gelatin? I think you decide this for yourself: Allah said pork meat is haram and he didn't mean the whole pig. If he had meant all of this, he would have said, "Pig is Haram". You don't need a cult imam to make a decision here.

They wouldn't eat pork. Since the name of the pig is mentioned along with haram, you would not eat any other pork product or wear pork clothing. Another person would say that the shells of the pills he has to take are gelatin made from pork bone, but he is sick and has to take this drug that way. There is no problem with either decision. Individuals have made their own decisions and in the hereafter they will defend their excuses to Allah themselves. However, if you say that Imam xy said this and you followed him, then Allah will say to you:

"Did you trust Imam xy instead of turning to the Koran?"

Then what would you answer?

October 2021

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