There are about fifty ayads on jihad and war. This corresponds to approx. 0.008% of the total suras in the Koran. Over forty ayads for jihad and twenty ayads for war. In the jihad ayads these groups are mostly addressed:

The believers, the emigrants and the jihadists who are there with their goods and lives.

According to the chronological revelation of the suras, there is the following picture. I translate analogously without suffering from the overall meaning. Every time the word “jihad” appears in the translations, you should think of war or holy war. If these two words do not fit, please replace the appropriate meaning yourself in your national or native language.

Do you still remember the periods of Islam? A brief reminder in short form follows:

In 570/571 Mohammad (as) was born in Mecca.

In 610 he becomes a prophet of Islam. About twelve years of revelation of the Koran in Mecca. About 300 Muslims.

In 622 he wanders to Medina. About eleven years of revelation of the Koran in Medina.

624 Badr's first defense war with the polytheists.

625 Uhud's second defense war with the polytheists.

627 the third war of defense Handak (trench) with the polytheists.

632 Mohammad (as) dies.

So the Muslims are still in Mecca at that time and are being oppressed, persecuted, murdered and have to endure impossible tortures in order to turn their backs on their religion “Islam”. Whoever seeks holy war here under jihad is left to Allah.

[40] (25) / Al-Furqān, 52: "Do not be obedient to the Gentiles," Jihad "with those with the" great Jihad "". "The great jihad" means IQRA (learning / teaching) with the Koran.

[55] (31) / Luqmān, 15: "If they (your parents) with you" jihad "about what you know about that does not exist, do not obey them ..."

[68] (16) / An-Nahl, 110: "For your Lord is with those who emigrate under enormous pressure, and with those who" jihad "and are patient ..."

[82] (29) / Al-'Anqabūt, 6: "Who jihad", he "jihad" for his self-confidence ... "

] 82] (29) / Al-'Anqabūt, 8: We have imposed on humans that they treat their parents with kindness. Well if they jihad with you “about what you know does not exist, do not obey them ...

[82] (29) / Al-Anqabūt, 69: “and those who“ jihad ”for us, we will put on our way. And Allah is with the benevolent ”.

So far I have passed on the suras that were revealed in Mecca. I would like to emphasize that the first few hundred Muslims were probably not commissioned by a holy war in the sense of a war with war implements. Rather, they should understand the Koran mission and act accordingly. Both then and now.

Sura 2 / Al-baqara is the first sura that was revealed in Medina. Then came Surah Al-Anfal and those that followed.

[99] (22) / Al-Hağğ, 78: “Jihad” for Allah as it is due. He has chosen you, and has not put any tribulation on you in religion. Be like your father Abraham, who used to call you Muslims. Now the prophet is a witness for you and you for other people. Be social and give alms, cling to Allah who protects you. What a good protector and helper he is ”.

This is actually where jihad is explained in more detail. Jihad is for Allah and for being Muslim, like Abraham and social being and giving alms and keeping to Allah. Let's look at the other war ayads who have to give. It is now being killed almost daily in the name of Allah.

[84] (2) / Al-baqara, 218: “Certainly those who believe and for the path of Allah's emigration and“ Jihad ”, they expect Allah's mercy and Allah recognizes the promises”.

[108] (5) / Al-Mā'ida, 54: “Oh you believers! If you turn away from religion, then Allah brings another people who Allah loves them and loves them ... they would Allah will "Jihad" ... "

Be a believer, emigrate for your sincere beliefs and wage “holy war” !! ?? Somehow does not go together. Don't you think so either?

-Believing / emigrating / war- is wrong.

This constellation should have been understood as follows:

-Believing / emigrating / Koran mission-

The Koran knows the word 'war' and uses it accordingly.

“Wage war against those who intervene ... [84] (2), 190;

"Kill them where you find them and drive them out, just as they drove you ... [84] (2), 191";

"Fight until the religion is ascribed to Allah ... [84] (2), 193";

"If you are attacked, you also attack them ... [84] (2), 194";

“War (QTL) has been prescribed for you and you will not necessarily like it, you would not like something, that would be useful for you at the same time; you would like something that would be fatal for you at the same time. You are ignorant, Allah is All-Knowing (2.216) ”;

“Fight (QTL) for the way of Allah, Oh Mohammad! You are responsible for yourself. Encourage the believers too. Hopefully Allah will break the power of the Gentiles. Surely Allah's strength and might is stronger and his punishment more severe [89] (4), 84);

"If you these heathens if you are at war, kill them until they are no longer a danger to you and tie up the prisoners, then you release them either with or without a ransom; this should continue as long as the state of war still prevails. Allah would have destroyed them himself, but you will be tested together. And those who were killed in Allah's way, their act will not be undone "

[91] (47) / Mohammad, 4;

“Oh you believers! What about you, when it was said, go on a campaign for Allah's sake, you stopped. Have you given up the hereafter and preferred it to the worthless earthly life? Earthly pleasures and prosperity are void in comparison to the hereafter "

[109] (9) / At-Tauba, 38

In Arabic the consonants are written; the vowels were added later to avoid mistakes when reciting the Quran. However, the words jihad and war should not be confused with one another. The roots of jihad are:

J + H + D and the roots of war are: Q + T + L. Confusion is therefore impossible.

"War was prescribed for you," it said and not “jihad ". And QTL means war, i.e. the mutual killing of soldiers, must be waged in such a way that civilians, children, old and defenseless people and the buildings are spared. Allah does not allow this to happen. If he wanted the Muslims to ignore them and to kill and devastate everything that comes across, he would have used the word HRB. Ha-Ra-Ba means 'to destroy', 'ruin', 'to break into pieces'. What do YOU mean: would it not be desirable to wage the inevitable wars at least according to the rules of Allah?

Rather, jihad is a recommendation to walk in the path of Allah with everything you have. The Muslims in Mecca have always dealt with the unbelievers. Jihad is not a holy war, rather jihad is to dedicate oneself to Allah and to do something useful for oneself and for one's fellow human beings on the path of Allah. War is to be waged when it cannot be avoided. Allah himself said that people don't like war, but Allah knows better. The word jihad, in its original meaning, confirms that our mild execution is correct. Jihad meant that the beasts of burden tried to reach the destination with their cargo under all circumstances. This meaning should serve some as a guide to what they are loading themselves with, what for and as what.

The so-called jihadists are on the wrong track. Nobody has ever been right about terror. Anyone who wants to protect Islam should first view the Koran as a unit and not forget that there is no compulsion in religion. (P. 2; 256). These three terms are very important and should be understood in order to realize a perfect Islamic society:

IQRA for “learning and teaching”;

Ṣalah for “social engagement”;

JIHAD for attaining the "straight path of Allah".

This way was described in the Koran. To pronounce the (sura) Fatiha by heart does not lead a person to the "straight path". If we were able to hear how Allah replies to our request “Lead us to the straight path ...”, we would hear: “My servant, I have described this path in the Koran, read it, then you will know”.


"If two groups of believers are at war with each other, let them make peace; if one group does the other injustice, war against the immoderate until they return to Allah 's direction. If they are reversed, treat them rightly, for Allah prefers the righteous ”. [102] (49) / Huğurāt, 9

No wonder, then, whoever wars against the believers, who are brothers to one another according to the Koran, is a sinner and will reap the wrath of Allah. At the latest in the afterlife.

“And if your Lord wanted, all people on earth would profess the faith together. Do you want to force people until they are believers? "[49] (10) / Yūnus, 99

If this is not the case, it is not religion that is involved, but politics, country politics and not humanity politics.

July 2019

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