Islam doesn't just have five pillars! There are many pillars in Islam. Each verse of the Koran is a pillar in itself. Of these many pillars, the concentration on only five is like a huge wall that prevents a very comprehensive "guide book" from being understood and used in practice. Allah did not establish these five pillars. This is advice filtered from the Quran. Since these processes were carried out by incompetent persons after the death of our Prophet, they became practices that did not conform to the spirit of the Quran and made Islam a complex religion.

The pillars of Islam are three!

1- Tauwhid

2- Iqra

3- Salatun

1- The true message of the entire Quran is this: LA ILAHE IL'ALLAH! There are no gods, only Allah. However, this Allah is also the "Rabbul Alemin". What does this "Rabbul Alemiyn" mean? The boss of everything! Boss of Big Bangs; Chief of monoatomic hydrogen; Chief of the galaxies; Chief of the stars; Boss of the world; Well, let's finally realize that Allah is also the Patron of the people, right?

Are you an atheist? It doesn't matter! And you call that "Cosmic Consciousness";

Are you a polytheist? Well, it struck me as a little strange that you should believe in so many creators when it was so difficult for us to understand a single God;

Are You Agnostic? It wouldn't be bad if you made up your mind as soon as possible. You don't know when you're going to die! Your personal apocalypse can break at any moment;

Are you christian? How nice. Jesus also said "Lord" for Allah. That is, the one who sets the rules.

Are you jewish? Their Lord is Allah too. He's the one who makes rules for you too.

How about we leave our worship and try to understand what this Lord God wants from us?

2- IQRA! It is a subject that Muslims are paradoxical about. If you are a Muslim, answer these two questions yourself. If you are not a Muslim, ask a Muslim you know and he will answer.

a) What was the first command of Allah to the Prophet?

Any Muslim who is asked this question replies "Iqra / Read". I gave 60 points for this correct answer. 40 points, I have deducted it because it is called "read!" has been translated. Because “iqra” doesn't just mean “read”.

b) Why then does the "Quran / Mushaf / Book of Koran" not begin with "iqra"?

This is an expert question. Not everyone knows the correct answer. The Muslim is not aware that someone has changed the place of the suras and verses of Allah's Koran. He knows that Allah began the Qur'an by revealing sura al-'alaq to Muhammad (as). In fact, this first sentence is recited by many: IQRA! BISMI RABBIKELEZI HALAQ!

But who put this sura in 96th place? Allah puts it first and someone comes and puts this sura at the end of the Mushaf / Book Quran.

3- Salatun. Social commitment!  The religion of Islam, which began with the Iqra order, will be summarized in a book in 23 years in order to create the perfect human society with this order. This sacred duty of salatun / social activities will arise as a result of the "IQRA command" and will be so important that Muhammad (sa) will permanently emphasize this meaning by saying,

"salatun is the pillar of religion".

The mentality that took "IQRA" from the beginning of the Koran and placed it at the end of the Koran by also changing the meaning of "Salatun" forced Muslims to use this word, which includes social being, as "pray".

So there was a mass of Muslims who pray five times a day but put aside learning and teaching, and if they pay some zakat and go on pilgrimage, they consider themselves a paradise aspirant.

Now the time has come - it is far too late in fact - to learn and teach the true pillars of Islam. According to the motto:

In the name of your Lord, Iqra / learn / teach! What our Lord commanded us first!

September 2021

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